A Beautiful Boy


Recently I visited one of my favourite gay saunas in Kuala Lumpur. I was in a fairly small steam room area when I was embraced by a boy who was obviously very beautiful. He had rather long hair and a golden, hairless body. His cock was cute and intact and his balls lovely. He looked about eighteen – I was later to discover he was actually twenty eight. Andreas led me through to a shower room where he washed and massaged every particle of my body. He is possibly the loveliest boy I have ever been with and that is saying something. “Darling, have you got a boyfriend?” I asked. He looked at me with rather sad brown eyes and said, “No Kevin, I’m a Muslim. That is why I come here every Sunday.” Then he cheered up and said “You have a very big cock Kev.”

“Darling, where I come from, the Land Down Under, I’m afraid it’s only very average.”

Discovering New Writers

I believe that one of the great joys of the e-publishing revolution is the opportunity it provides to discover wonderful new writers. When I first started to explore e-book land I came across the works of Anthony McDonald. These days I understand that the author lives in England, however he has obviously spent a great deal of time living and working in France. Most of the action of one of his first novels ‘Adam’ is set in regional France. Anthony McDonald has the unique ability to be able to transport the reader (via the imagination let it be said) to a part of the world he or she may never have visited. As the great British writer, film director, actor and singer Noel Coward once said – “We may be nostalgic for a place never visited.” Mr McDonald has the ability to graphically create a unique sense of time and place in the mind of the reader.

Anthony McDonald specialises mainly in the field of gay romance. ‘Adam’ tells the story of a sixteen year old English boy, scion of a middle-class family, experiencing his gay sexual awakening in rural France. Adam is a loveable character and his adventures are continued in the sequel ‘Blue Sky Adam.’ Although the sexual scenes are graphic and convincing these works are certainly not pornographic. If you are looking for a quick thrill you can read on the bus then you should look elsewhere. Adam and his boy friends could be of any gender – it is their relationships that are important. Highly recommended.

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